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Choosing the Best Anti-Twist Wire Rope Posted by : admin / Posted on : Jul 22, 2021

Anti twist wire rope: Galvanized steel anti-twist wire rope / anti-twist wire rope for transmission line stripping is a great and easy solution for line wire stripping in construction or other applications. If you are running powerline on your job site, there is no question about the amount of money you can save by stripping the existing power cable to bare metal. In addition to the obvious money savings when you install the new system, you will have more efficient power distribution with less loss of electricity. Additionally, you will avoid the expense of having to strip and bury new wires, thereby saving you time and money in the long term.

Galvanizing steel wire is an excellent choice to help keep people and equipment protected from the elements. You need to make sure though that the wire you use is galvanized. Galvanizing protects the steel from corrosion from the water, air, and chemicals found in the atmosphere. The type of coating you purchase depends on what application you will be using the anti twist wire rope for and the length of the wire. If you are unsure whether the wire you purchase is galvanized, ask the vendor for documentation that proves its designation as galvanized.

The galvanized anti twist wire rope is typically comprised of one side of the two-inch thick wire with six to eight galvanized strands per inch. In most cases the larger diameter galvanized wire is used in long lengths, while the smaller diameter wire is used in shorter pieces. Typically, six strands per inch is adequate but if you require a larger diameter wire or a higher length then you may be able to purchase them at an additional cost.

The advantage of using galvanized wire in this application is that the wire does not become brittle over time as can happen with aluminum. Additionally, because the galvanized wire is made of steel, it does not tarnish like the aluminum wire would. If you are considering using this wire for applications where there are many moving parts, it is important to consider using two types of pulling conductors in order to ensure greater strength. One type of conductor you should use is the copper sleeve which has much stronger pulling ability and is lighter weight than the galvanized anti twist wire rope. If you plan on using the copper sleeve, you should ensure that the copper wire has been previously galvanized.

You may also find that you only need one type of pulling conductor in your application. In these instances you may also want to consider using high strength pilot wire rope to provide a strong support system. In cases where you are only using the galvanized anti twist wire rope for surface mounting you may find that the copper wire is more useful in the higher pulling areas of the rope.

Finally, when you have completed the installation process and you are ready to hook up the wire you will need to identify the strongest wire or cable to be used. Some people prefer to use three strands while other people use just two. If you intend to use three strands then the wire you need to use should consist of six to eight gauge steel strands which should be galvanized. In the installation process it is best to hook up all the strands at once which will increase the overall strength of the wire.

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